Corporate Photography & Filmmaking

Top brands need top production talent. Together with my team we deliver corporate filmmaking that express a message to your brand's audience. Over the past 16 years I've worked in production studios and sets to translate ideas to visual experiences.


Portrait Photography

We offer professional, emotional and beautiful portrait photography. Wether it be for corporate or commercial use, we deliver flawless portrait photos, suitable for your brand and your corporate identity.

Fashion Photography

Fashion photography uses contrast lighting and carries with it a dramatic feeling. Style, elegance, and flair is captured in these photos for top brands.

Mood Photography

Mood photography is the practise of capturing feeling and illustrating the mood, energy, and vibrance of models. Often requested by models, and production agencies and companies, mood photography captures feeling and experiences.

Event Photography

Event photography helps capture the moment, action and drama of a picture’s story. If you want to highlight parts of the event this service is perfect for your desires. Take a look at our previous event photography pictures to get inspired. 

Get in Touch

Get in touch with me to get a price quote, or feedback about your next visual project in Zürich, or throughout Switzerland.

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Schweiz Zurich Fotograf portrait photography corporate photography pascal wasinger

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Our ships have completed their scan of the area and found nothing. If the Millennium Falcon went into light-speed.